পশ্চিমবঙ্গ সরকার
Hooghly Rural Police


About :Hooghly Rural Police District

Hooghly Rural Police District has been bifurcated from erstwhile Hooghly district on and from 30.06.2017. The district has 17 police stations including 01 women police station for combating the crime and law and order situation. The headquarters of Hooghly Rural Police District is situated at Kamarkundu, Singur, Hooghly.


Hooghly Rural Police District is one of the most economically developed districts in West Bengal. It is a rich zone both in agriculture and industry. Most of the land of the district is alluvial type of soil that is fertile for agriculture. It is rich sources of paddy, jute, potato etc. The agro based industries have been developed from the very past. There are also a number of industrial complexes including both small and heavy industries. These are mainly Amul Dairy, Tribeni Tissue, Bandel Thermal Power Station, UltraTech cement factory, Himadri chemicals, Ganges jute mill,  Agro Processing  etc.

Geography and Economy